

I'll admit it, I'm very lazy.  I love watching birds and butterflies, but I don't like going out of my way to do it.  I much prefer it when birds and butterflies come to my garden.  I love watching nesting and or feeding birds and I love trying to guess what type of butterflies are landing on the flowers in my yard.  Ideally, I want a backyard or front yard to attract birds and butterflies to me so I don't have to chase after them.  Hopefully this blog will provide you with enough information to do the same.

If you want birds and butterflies to stop and stay in your yard, there is a need for a varied and long-term supply of food.  You need to supply the plants, shrubs and food necessary for the local birds and butterflies that hang around all the time and you need to provide for those just passing through (migratory).

There are three basic needs for the birds and butterflies passing by your home: food, water and shelter.  Any animals need food and water and they need to feel safe when they stop to partake of the first two needs.

This blog will cover the three basic needs in detail and will also provide up-to-date information about what is new and different.  Since this blog is built mainly for beginners, we will also provide information on identifying wild birds, the basics of feeding and housing wild birds, landscaping for wild birds and the hobby of birdwatching in general.